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What Happens if You Are Caught With Cannabis in Texas?

 Posted on August 11,2023 in Criminal Defense

Allen Criminal LawyerMany states have moved towards legalizing marijuana. Some states, like Colorado and Illinois, have legalized cannabis for recreational use. Other states, like Ohio, have medical marijuana programs that allow people with certain medical conditions to use cannabis. Texas, on the other hand, has only a compassionate use program that allows low-THC products for people with certain illnesses like cancer. Anyone other than a registered participant in Texas’s compassionate use program is not permitted to possess any amount of cannabis or THC products. This means that if you are caught with marijuana in Texas, you will likely be arrested. Even if you only had a small amount for your own personal use, you could face jail time. The penalties may be far more serious for those caught with larger amounts of cannabis. If you have been arrested for a marijuana-related offense in Texas, it is important to find excellent legal representation. 

Current Cannabis Laws in Texas

The specific offense you may be charged with is dependent on the circumstances of your arrest and the amount of the substance you were caught with. If you were caught with only a small amount under 4 ounces, you will likely be charged with misdemeanor possession. A simple possession charge can still lead to up to a year of jail time, and Texas is notoriously harsh in its treatment of drug defendants.

If you were caught with more than 4 ounces, you are likely to be charged with a felony. The seriousness of the felony depends on the amount you had. Felonies are punishable by more than a year of jail time. 

The situation is more serious if the state believes that you intended to distribute the marijuana to others. This is common when a person is caught with a large amount of THC products, as this may signal that this is not a personal stash. Delivery of marijuana is a serious felony. If you provided cannabis to a minor, you will likely also face felony charges. 

Growing cannabis plants is also a criminal offense. If you are found to be producing marijuana, you will likely be charged with a felony. The state is likely to assume that you intended to unlawfully distribute your crop. 

Each of these charges could result in serious criminal penalties and a criminal record you cannot hide from. If you were caught with cannabis in Texas, it is important to make your legal defense a high priority. 

Contact a Frisco Marijana Crimes Attorney

Law Offices of Biederman & Burleson P.L.L.C. is experienced in defending those accused of marijuana crimes in Texas. Our Frisco criminal defense lawyers will do all we can to keep your record clear. For a complimentary consultation, please contact us at 469-333-3333




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